Producing and selling products, the company “NPO AEG” assumes responsibility for warranty and post-warranty service and technical support to our customers.
Regardless of how the product was purchased (in a store or “with hands”), if you are its owner – you are our customer
The company “NPO AEG takes pride in a high level of service and the ability to quickly resolve any issues that arise.
We try to help everyone: our partners and those who are only going to become them, and even those who are not going to, but turned to us with any questions.
Duration and Extension of Warranty
The “NPO AEG” company gives a guarantee on all parts of its products manufactured in the Russian Federation. This warranty is 2 years from the date of manufacture. All other parts are covered by a 2-month warranty or 5,000 shots. But even after this period, our partners have the right to receive any repair services or replacement parts at a minimum cost.
Airsoft guns unique serial number and their documents

Our products are distinguished from other manufacturers by their unique markings and tags. Each product has its own unique serial number. The style of writing and location of the number corresponds to the combat analog. It is applied during production and entered into the company’s database.
The primary data about the product is also entered into this database:
– date of manufacture
– Chrony data
– kitting
– First shipment address
This history is updated as we receive information about the product.
This way, anyone can ask for the history of a product by its number.
Each product is supplied with a certain package of accompanying documentation:
– certificate of compliance
– product passport
– instruction
All these documents are designed to identify the manufacturer of the goods, facilitate their operation, as well as, help transport them safely by any available means of transport, while avoiding unnecessary questions from law enforcement officers.
In case of loss, they can be recovered on request.
Quality control
Each product manufactured by “NPO AEG” is subjected to quality control both at the production stage and before shipment. The products are checked for compliance with the declared properties and characteristics.
Control methods are different for different products.
For example, all electro-pneumatic products without exception undergo test firing and timing, the data of which are entered into the company’s database and duplicated on the tag attached to the product and in the product passport.
This method of control allows to exclude the human factor during the assembly and identify possible defects in the components.
“NPO AEG” company always strives to maintain product quality at the highest level and constantly improve it.
If for any reason our client is not satisfied with the product or its properties, we are ready to refund the money spent, repair or replace the product in a short time.
Repair and part replacement
The owner of “NPO AEG” products, regardless of the place and time of purchase, has the opportunity to have the product repaired by the manufacturer or to receive any replacement parts or components.
In the case of warranty repair, all costs will be borne by the company, in other cases the cost will be minimal. In this case the installation of any parts and components that were purchased from the company are free.
In the request it is necessary to specify the full number of the product, all letters and numbers.
In an effort to improve quality, “NPO AEG” is constantly improving its products. On the basis of experimental operation and with the expansion of technological capabilities, some units and parts, parts and elements are changed, design and appearance are improved.
This process is continuous and ongoing.
For owners of older products, the company “NPO AEG” has a service “Restyling”, i.e. Renewal.
The essence of this proposal is to use parts of the already existing product to assemble a modern sample. In this case, the customer saves significantly on the main parts, and in fact receives a completely new, modern sample.